Lennie would not survive the Great Depression if George had not taken him under his wing because he has no common sense or quick thinking.  Lennie is not the smartest person, so having George to think for him is the only reason that he has a job. George would not let Lennie carry his own work ticket because he knew that he would lose it. Also, Lennie did not even remember that George was carrying his ticket. When they were in Weed, Lennie went up to a girl and began to stroke her dress and when she moved away he held on to her. The police began a search for Lennie, and without George’s quick thinking Lennie would have been caught he would not have been able to explain why he had done it. After they left Weed, Lennie and George needed to find a new job. George was able to find them a new job very quickly after the incident in Weed happened. During the Great Depression people needed to have quick thinking, intelligence., and common sense, all things that Lennie does not have.
Slim is considered to be 'a prince of the ranch' which means that he is quite well respected. He is a very practical person. When the dog had too many pups to take care of, he drowned the puppies that wouldn't have survived anyways. He does what he has to do without any emotion or fuss.

For everyone to 'walk with everyone else' it means that wealthier people would have to give up some of they're money so the poorer people would have more. In general people do not want  to give up their money. However, if you come up with a great idea and make millions, then you will get a chance. But with fame and fortune, comes sacrifice. People who come over from other countries or send their kids to places so they can have a better life. However, it means that they might never see their family again.

My reaction to the story was that Mathilde was a women who only cared about her image. She wouldn't stop at anything to keep up the appearance that she was wealthy. However, when she lost the necklace that her friend had given her, she went at lengths to replace her old one. That shows that she is a very driven person. However, she is a greedy person, for example, when her friend offered her necklaces her comment was, "Is this all?" That was the one thing in this story that did disgust. Everything else I could understand, but she was too proud and cared about the way other people saw her, more than she cared about those around her.